Welcome to HealthLink's Doctor Consultation facility, a key component of HealthLink's Tele-Health platform.

You may use this facility to book Appointments or obtain a Token to consult your choice of doctors at any of your preferred clinics or hospitals enlisted in HealthLink. You could book In-Person or Tele-Consultations (voice call / video call) depending on doctors' availability.

Given the current COVID19 situation, it is possible that the clinic/hospital/doctor of your choice is unavailable in HealthLink at the moment. If so, please contact the respective clinic/hospital/doctor directly.

Test Image
Adolescent Medicine Specialist
E-mail address:

Phone number:
Please enter One Time Password (OTP) received on the above phone number.

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Your token number is
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Phone number:
Please enter One Time Password (OTP) received on the above phone number.